Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why did God slowly kill a child?

Maybe God is malevolent. Ever think of that? Like an evil God who rules the universe and is just messing with us like a kid pulling wings off of a fly? That's some crazy junk, but you can't disprove it with scripture.

Can i use this as a nesting box for my rabbit?

go to google images and type in rabbit igloo. the one i have is pink and deffinitly big enough but is it suitable? its also not completely opaque so i was thinking of putting a towel over it to keep it darker and warmer. can i use it?

Help me! Please help, I picked up my hamster unaware that she just had babies, will she kill them now?

Stop panicking. Ok? Pretend nothing happened and go along with your hamster as normal. They are a type of rodent and I doubt if she even realized what you said you had done. Hope you are calmer knowing nothing is going to happen. Just carry on as usual. Everything will be the same. Ok?

Pills to keep you awake and knock you out? (harder question than it looks)?

Ginseng pills keep you awake and Melatonin helps insomnia. You could have a heart attack and die from caffeine or ginseng. Melatonin is relatively harmless unless you fall asleep while driving

A few guinea pig questions...?

Your guinea pig is having a grand old time!! It is excited and happy with you and yes the running about is popcorning. Guinea pigs are like people, they all show love in their own way, I do not see any thing you have talked of as being anything but a love and happy response to you. You need to be holding her at least 2 hours a day, the more you hold her the more she will want to be held. Guinea pigs are prey animals so it is normal for them to run away when you go to pick them up even when they actually want you to hold them.

I just got a Guinea Pig, What supplies do I need to buy, or can I make?

You SHOULDN'T get her a ball or wheel. NEVER. And wood shaving can give piggies upper respiratory infections, which can lead to death. So I recommend Carefresh, or a different recycled bedding product! Also, you should probably go back to the store and get a piggie who she was in the cage with, but first make sure you cage has adequate space for 2 guinea pigs, and take into account that they grow fairly quickly, and get pretty big. But I think you have most things taken care of! But you might want to get them chews, for their teeth!!:) have fun with your new guinea pig!!:)

How many mice can fit in a 10 gallon aquarium?

4 at the most. I would go with 3 because if you wanna fit other stuff in like a wheel or house or whatever it would get pretty crowded.

Maplestory, information on todays sp reset?

well basicly all of us are gonna get sp reset scrolls today,depends when u log in.anyways u can keep them in ur inventory for 3 days until they expire, so u can use them whenever.Im a level 69 brawler so i need one more level to get my 3rd job.i was wondering if when i level up and i use my sp reset scroll if i can use my pirate skill points(1st job) on my 3rd job since i don't use most of my pirate skills and i can max out all my 3rd job skills.soooooooo yea can i? lol

Is it safe to leave my guinea pigs in my backyard?

No it isn't. There is always a chance of another animal preying on it, such as large birds or any pretetor that eats rodents.

What is the cheapest airline to fly from Hawaii to Ukraine?

Departing from Honolulu airport, to Kiev. Don't care how long or how many layovers, I'm looking for price efficiency. Help? Prefferably someone who's done it?

I have a proposal for a new law. What do you think?

I don't agree with this. You're asking to undo what's been done by animals for ages. Some species do this for a reason. It's not so much that they're abandoning their young. Besides, there is no way this law could be passed. How do you expect this to actually work. You're saying this needs to happen to all animals. What, do you expect people to sit there and watch all the wild animals to make sure they stay with their young until they're ready? I'm sorry if I'm negetive but you asked for an opinion. If the animal could not survive in the wild on it's own, don't you think the mother would have enough instinct to know that? Also, if it were not able to fend for itself then how is it that all of these animals are not extenct?

Would I be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

I am 25, 5'4, 128 and 34dd. I know it depends on my insurance, but does this sound like acceptable measurements to be a good candidate for the surgery to be covered?

What is average shoe size for a male?

Just curious. I wear size 11.5-12s depending on the shoe and my dad wore 13s in whih I wonder where I fit in.

Can I ask her what's going on between us?

Ok sweetie your frienship has grown stronger then before and she prob. Feels as your friendship has become more like a relationship. A friend will visit u at the hospital but a gfriend will pick u up to take u home to of u. About meeting the parents she considers u her bfriend. u can ask her this: "i was just thinking about us for the past weeks, and was wondering what do u think of."our" relationship?" She will answer u fully. I hope ur ready for ur answer. This will not.scare her off but, this will just let her know your paying attention to whats going on between the both of u

Are you surprised Whitey Bulger was Santa Monica, CA?

Nope. My friends from the boston area are not surprised at all. They thought he was out and around, having fun.

My brand new guinea pig. Help!?

Yes , it is normal for him to be lying on his side , he's resting , that means he calm because if she was curled up in a ball he would be scared . So he must like his new home . Hope he has a great time at his new home! Good luck! :) x

What is the best 24 hour passport service?

I need to leave the united states soon and I have a newborn. I need to make him a passport as soon as possible. There are so many companies out there. What company is the best one that I can depend on?

Some Questions About Fancy Mice...?

Okay. So I would really like to get some fancy mice, 2 actually (female, I know about males) I really would like to get a glass 1O gallon aquarium because that seems the cheapest and I have heard of people doing it, so would that be okay? I would obviously get the water bottle, a 'Pet Igloo' and all that stuff. Would I have enough room? Also, my bday is November 16, but this could be my early bday present. How do I convince my dad? I REALLY want this, and it could be my early bday present. He is kinda easy going, and I would show all the qualities about it and all. But should I get a cage? I heard that the wheels that come with them are squeaky, and even if they do not come with a wheel, they are expensive, around 35 dollars, when a 1O gallon is 14 dollars... so any info and all that? :) PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE do NOT say that I should get rats. FIRST, its more expensive. SECOND, I have had rats, and I LOVE them, but I would really REALLY wanna try mice. So PLEASE do not mention them, because the topic is about mice! Thanks guys!! :D

Dating man that is separated?

Husband died 3 years ago and been dating but The man I really want to be with is separated. I waited a while to be with him after husband died. He knew my husband before he died I've known them for about 9 years. He is not with his with she lives in a different house. She knows we see each other. They have 2 children together and they do need to spend time together to talk about the kids. I've even sat for them when they have gone out together. There is no chance they are getting back together, The only reason they are only separated is finances his kids are Autistic and he wants to take care of them. He spends a lot of time with his son. And his daughter as well which means he has to spend time with his wife. and not as much time with me. I understand his situation he can only spend so much time with me. We see each other couple times during the week. depending one school and activities. during summer. Most weekends he is doing something with his son. I am lonely sometimes and he tries to make it up to me by about once a month he spends couple days with me. Kid free. But I feel guilty because he does this usually after I say I wish he could spend more time with me. I was married to the same man for 25 years so dating has changed for me. And this person has been a friend for 9 years. When husband died he just never left me. I am free and I can date whomever I want but I really just want to be with him. Am I crazy to stay in this situation or should I move on?

What are some good cop/undercover cop films that have good chase scenes?

I'm a big fan of cop films, especially ones that star undercover cops like The Departed, Fast and Furious, etc. Can you list some good films that have great chase scenes against the protagonist and the antagonist whether on foot or by car? It'd be great if you were able to list at least 5 films. Thank you.

I need HELP! I'm dealing with a shy guy: Is he flirting with me or not?

OMG its 2AM here in my country and i read all that. okay, first of all... i need to tell others to help spread this message which is a prob that ppl always make. PLEASE DONT ANSWER "your question is too long i cant read it" or " try to shorten your question". IF the question is too long, then why bother answering it with nonsense? and answersyahoo made it this way. the max letters is 5000. so dont complain. okay good. Hmm, for me, i think if i did that, i would most like be shy. or he finds that your beautiful and wants to date you but dont dare to do it. and is taking 1 step at a time. maybe he is just a pervert that toys with girls. maybe he read some info on the web and it recommended him to play the hard-to-get type. and maybe he had been always shy, and thinks your fated to be with him as he is also the shy type? or maybe he is doing that to spite his Girlfriend who is also in the shop. (Nahh... unless, your colleuge is the GF he is trying to spite, if not, then no).

What size girl do guys prefer?

I'm a 6/7/8 depending on what brand and my bf's okay with that but I sort of feel like most guys prefer girls who are a size 3 or 4. Is this true?

When will my package be here?

So i ordered a video game for my cousin on amazon back on the 15th. I'm leaving fro their house the 22nd. I tracked the shipment and it said that it was shipped on the 16th and arrived in wisconsin and departed from wisconsin on the 17th. I live in new hamshire and I need it by the 22nd. It is being shipped by united states postal service and it is standard shipping. It says the estimated arrival date is the 23rd... do you think the estimated delivery time could be wrong? because i need it before then.. thanks

Do Americans live in trailer parks and hunt gators and wear wife beaters?

I live in Australia, everyone here has Kangaroos jumping around the backyard and kids ride them to school.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Are trains normally on time?

How often do trains run late? Just I am supposed to arrive at 9.53 and depart (change train) at 10.01, will this be enough time and will my train normally/probably run on time?

Kittens... Please Help!!?

Hmm, normally, if it's a feral cat it's best to leave the kittens as she will come back. However if it's not safe to do so and they look unwell best bets the shelter. If you want to keep them get them to a vet ASAP and make sure your dogs get flea treatment aswell

FBI and Banks holds; is this legal ? What can we do?

FBI Hold has been placed on my girlfriends departed fathers bank account, Any suggestions? She verified that account exists with US based attorney but has already had to pay considerable amount of money for outstanding taxes, before bank would release funds, and then when taxes all paid then bank notify her that FBI hold on account, and they are requiring Certificate documents before they will release hold.. And People want payment up front for providing certificates? Any suggestions?

Changing trains times is 9.53 arrive my next train departs at 10.01, how to catch it in time?

I've never had to do a change before and I arrive at York at 9.53 and my next train goes at 10.01, how do I make sure I catch it? I don't mind jogging I'm physically fit. I'm so worried I might miss it is 8 mins enough time?

Does this sound like im having seizures to you?

Ok so last summer i was on vacation and we saw a big fireworks show. on the way to the hotel from there it was harder to breath and then i started shaking uncontroably. I could talk and i knew what was going on, but i couldn't stop shaking. it happened a lot that week and then when we got back it stopped for a few months until i watched the titanic. It all sarted again. it goes away in like about a half hour to 2 hours it really depends. after it happens i am really weak and tired. Just recently i went to a babysitting class and was there until lunch but then i got up to get my lunch and i grabbed on to my friend and told her i didnt feel good. i felt like i was and wasnt there like it almost felt like a dream. i was shaky but not uncontrlable. i went to the ER and they did blood test and gave me an iv and they didnt find anything wrong with me. then i went to dance and i felt almost like i had a fever and i got pale and felt that like dreamy feeling again but not as bad so i just left it alone and if someone asked i told them i felt feverish and thats it. i got home and i was soooo tired after that. do thhese sound like seizures to you?

What are some homemade toys I can give my rabbit?

My rabbit never plays and i want to incourage him to play more. He is a lionlop and he is about 6 months old and he is as fearful as well... a rabbit. I'm hoping that if I find a favorite toy he will become more outgoing. in the future i want to get another rabbit, but that is a ways away from now. He likes those treat chews that you can buy but sometimes he gets tired of them. He lives in a decent sized hutch and I let him out to play for a while when it's nice. IN his cage he has a cardboard box filled with paper shreds which i've never seen him in, his litterbox, food bowl, water bowl, an oatmeal container with a cup of food in it(his favorite out of all of them), a wood toy for chewing, and an igloo turned upide down to put hay in it because he is too big for it. I have tried toilet paper tubes, PVC pipe, everything i can think of. Does anyone have any ideas that's a surefire way to make him more... friendly?

Best snorkling site at the great barrier reef?

You can search online for boating charters , there you can get some better options. I am attaching a link of fishing map. You can have a look at it. It will help you in locating a zone rich with variety of fishes.

Is there something wrong with my new syrian hamster or is he ill?

So the last time I asked a question about my new Syrian hamster was because he has been sleeping and basically living in a tiny ball compartment at the end of some tubes i bought to add on to his cage. His cage is huge, its got an Igloo bed, a wheel, all his food and water, a mineral stone to chew on and a cardboard maze,but he just isn't interested. He is always in this little ball compartment whether hes sleeping or just sat wide awake. I'm not concerned that he's not eating because the food in the food bowl does go down everyday which is good and although i haven't seen him drink from his bottle that seems to be less full too. But because he's new and i have only handled him while in the shop and when bringing him home and putting him in the cage i don't want to stress him out or disturb him so I've left him to come out in his own time but that's the problem he just wont come out. I put bedding in a tube for him and he dragged this down to the compartment and used some of it for a bed, then kicked it all out in to the tube and also kicked out all the wood shavings so he was sleeping on bare plastic which i thought was strange, but he seems to have kept some bedding and put the wood shavings back for his bed but he has blocked the tube, whenever i remove the bedding from the tube he blocks it up again. Also the compartment is really small with air holes, but its really steamy which I'm thinking is either down to a lot of wee, or condensation or both! I've had him for 4 days now and i haven't touched the little compartment because i know this is where he feels safe and i don't want to scare him but it looks really damp and wet and the food is days old. I don't know what to do because i don't want to scare him but I'm scared that because this little bed is so full off wee, poo, steamy and damp I've read hamsters can get wet tail from sleeping in damp and not clean conditions. Please help on what to do im really worried and plus i want to start handling him but i can't!

Scared guinea pig, what should I do?

She is acting just like a normal guinea pig would. They are very cautious animals, being prey animals and take time getting used to new surroundings and such. Give her a couple of days and she should be okay. Leave her in a quite, dark room with food and water and she should be alright within a day or two. Let her stay in her igloo (it creates a sense of safety for her which will make her feel more comfortable). Once she is in her cage however, she will settle down as it is a similar scent for her.

6:00 AM departure out of ORD arrival time?

I would come 1 hour to 2 hours early because you never know if the airport will be busy and if you will have any problems at the airport and also you never know if the roads to the airport will be busy. Good like and have a safe flight :)

Starseed,Indingo,Angel incarnation?

I have memories when I was real young Of a fascination with the stars, moon and sun...but I felt like there was so much more....I've had dreams of looking at the sky and seeing many moons and stars and I remember two suns.....and in my dream I asked my parents if they can see it? And they told me no...go to sleep....and in my dream I fall asleep and wake up in this life......that was at 4 years old.....I've had many weird dreams of places that doesn't resemble "earth" I remember one distinct dream of a chamber with a round table and there was a 8 point star on a wall with 4 crecent moons around it (one big,one medium, and 2 small ones on each corner....I remember thinking Dacreo,Grenaldi,Seto,Destani .....Don't know if that's like a creed or something....I remember since I was a kid (btw I'm 25) I use to have this language that isn't English....kinda sounds Latin and German but I never knew what I was saying but I felt like I knew what it meant....I remember memories of being a King and having a queen with a little boy and a daughter who was a toddler and I remember various memories of my people and how prosperous my kingdom was....I was very happy....I remember one memory that looked like an arena full of many of the people in my kingdom and it was like a solstice of some sort in that planet it was done to children when they turn 16 and it looked like a huge projection of what their destiny son being the prince was at age to do his solstice destiny reading....when he stepped onto a platform it got quiet then a huge thunder strike and it got really bright and from his back 6 wings made of light surrounded the stadium and everyone bowed down and I stood their in awe....they called him the choose a avatar....and I remember more memories of him but that's on a next email if you wanna know but the point is that I have past life memories on another planet....on this life I always felt like I never belonged and I was more then I was....I feel inferior now.... it was very 16....I felt very confused and frustrated and tired of this existence and I remember receiving this dream when I was younger I had a dream that i was in a place that looked like it was desert with many bolders slamming and crushing everywhere and one was going to slam on me and I closed my eyes to die and I heard silence and I was like in a igloo of feathers and it opened up and the bolder was in dust and I looked up and saw a seraphim (6 winged angel/highest ranking angel) standing behind me....he was very tall like 8 feet and I couldn't see his face...he touched me and I woke up....ever since then I started having many memories of my son and dreams of him alive in the future....I was told that the seraphim could be my guardian.....I asked him once what was his name and he told me....I'm not to reveal it until his birth but it means sprit of lion......I constantly have thoughts of him and I am awaiting his birth because I feel like he is someone very important...after that I had visions and dreams that I was going to be someone very special and loved by many and that I was to find 7 souls who was gonna be my guard?....they were described I guess as friends who was gonna be choosen by me with qualities described to me as Guidance, Strength, Virtue, Loyalty, Solution, Logic, and Confidence....each of their qualities were suppose to unlock apart of me called my past life I had a queen and the love of my life and I've had many memories of her life on this earth but I have not yet meet her...I've always felt very lonely because I'm not with her...I remember feeling feelings she's had of missing me were connected.....I remember she was described as Faith....once i was in bed and I having a asthma attack and i couldnt breath and i tried calling my mother but i couldnt and i passed out and i remember seeing a beautiful girl dressed in a white sun dress and she told me that i needed to find her that i cant give up and she pointed at 7 people and told me that they needed me and that i had to find them i also saw many people including my family further back...she told me she loved me and kissed me and I felt a breath of air like CPR and I woke up with my asthma gone...and the taste of cherry lip gloss on my lips...ever since then I grew a connection with people were they see me as their protector and I have become loved by many....even meeting someone for the first time I am automatically liked....I was told by someone who can read auras that my aura was a brilliant blue and gold and silver and was brighter then most....children look at me alot....I'm liked by animals quickly....I feel connected to nature and my surroundings and sometimes hear things ....I've had many weird things happen in my life that have been paranormal and supernatural that I can describe on another email....i just can't seem wondering what does this

Best time to buy airline tickets?

I'm studying abroad in Florence Italy spring semester. When should I start looking at flights? When would they be cheapest? I'm looking for a cheap round trip ticket arriving in january and departing in may. How much should I expect to spend?

Bringing home hamster preparation?

I got all my supplies and the cage will be here Thursday, and I'll be getting my hamster later that Thursday. I want to clean everything before I put the hamster inside because I don't want the hamster to get sick from anything that was on the stuff from the pet store and the cage is getting shipped so yea. I don't have any hamster spray to clean the stuff with, so what can I use? Is dish soap okay to use if I make sure it's all off? I need to clean the cage, wheel, igloo house, water bottle, food dish, and run around ball. Thanks!!

What's better black and grey or color tattoos?

i would say color inside the actual outline like petals on a flower. but the outline should be black or gray, to give it structure

How can I tame my new guinea pig!?

I've had her for 3 days, and when ever I walk by her cage she runs and hides in her igloo! It's a workout to pick her up, and she squirms so much, it's hard to scoop her up without grabbing a little. I fed her some lettuce(romaine) and a red bell pepper today, and put sone parsley in her cage, which she is nibbling at now, but I want her to wheek when I bring in food, or open her food bag, and to run up to the cage and be excited when I walk into my room! Any tips??

Sleepless Night. What to do to feel more 'alive'?

I was up all night (except for the last two hours before departing to work). Now I'm in my office, and I feel dizzy and tired. I got my self a XL cup of coffee. What else can I do to wake up or just to feel more active?

My guinea pig wont eat?

Probably just scared from the move.. Should leave the guinea alone for about 4 days.. If they are scared of the ramp and food and water is up there them move both food and water where the can feet it without leave there hut to far.. Let them adjust and they will start to eat

Matching tattoos for best friends ?

My best friend is a guy and I'm a girl. We're leaving for separate colleges soon and we're thinking of getting matching tattoos on our wrists before we depart. We want something that looks feminine on me and manly-ish on him (he is however gay, so it doesn't have to be atrociously manly :p) Any ideas?

I accidentally touched her breast?

There is no harm in bringing it up to show that you are a respectable person, then again, she may not have noticed anyway.

Can you go to a college part time and still be on one of their sports teams?

and if so, does it only apply to junior colleges, full four year universities, or both? does it depend on the school?

Changing trains times is 9.53 arrive my next train departs at 10.01, how to catch it in time?

I've never had to do a change before and I arrive at York at 9.53 and my next train goes at 10.01, how do I make sure I catch it? I don't mind jogging I'm physically fit. I'm so worried I might miss it is 8 mins enough time?

What does it mean if a girl isn't responding? for girls?

There are lot of things to consider. She might not got the e-mail you sent to her. It happens a lot of time! Then she might under stress or huge problem so she didn't notice you. She probably noticed you but thinking of something. Try give her time and approach her in her best mood! :)

Why Fedex tracking is updated at their end but not my end?

They told me it departed a location on saturday, June 25, but I have no record of any departure on the 25th on my end of the computer.

Can little ants move Raid Ant Baits?

no the ants are not able to move the bait stations, if your family didn't move them you may have rodents to deal with old are your pesticide horror stories or how relevant... most the horror stories you can find will be 20 years old with products not on the market that were misused to begin with along with you will not be using anything for termite control for your ant problem. Not sure why you are waiting on the amazon product, you can find Combat brand gel at Home depot, Lowes, probably most grocery stores

LP Guitar Kit Does real have the best quality and prices?

All mahogany with maple tops on the LP Guitar kit. Grover tuners and decent hardware for $150.00 to $170.00 depending on the fretboard.

Am i able to just walk into a police depart. and talk to them about some problems occurring with a neighbor?

Im not sure if there's anything they can do, so dont want to call them out to my house. Just want to ask them some questions and see what they think! Thanks =]

Poll: How much money do I need to rent an igloo in Canada?

The Travel channel said Canada has igloos instead of houses and I want to rent one so bad and go polar bear sleding. Does anyone know where I can get more information?

How do an igloo can be hot inside if its made of ice?

It's not "hot" the ice would melt. haha. But when an igloo is made the ice bricks make good insulation.

Am i pregnant? could i be pregnant?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 12dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be15dpo which will be on monday, if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catscan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy on and off for the past couple days.

Does anyone have a Browning Citori 12ga shotgun made in 1987 they would like to sell?

This is a gun I have been looking for, for a long time and i can't find it locally? will pay up to $1,000 maybe more depending on condition. any help is deeply appreciated. Thank you!

Monday, July 18, 2011

What all to get for guinea pig cages?

besides the things that the previous person suggested you could put a toilet paper tube in there for them to chew on, also a little blanket for them to cuddle up it.

Where are USAF fighter pilots stationed or deployed?

My uncle was stationed in London. I don't know if it depends on every fighter. What are the most common places to be deployed/stationed for a USAF fighter pilot? What are least common places to be deployed/stationed for a USAF fighter pilot?

Am I eating too little? am I getting enough nutrients?

I think your breakfast and dinner habits are just fine, but you should eat a little more than just fruit for lunch. And if you think you exercise a lot and aren't getting enough to fuel yourself, they have powders and such you can put in water to boost your nutrients

Is the checked luggage fee charged for each way, or is it round trip?

If my airline charges $30 for the first checked bag, is that $30 round trip? Or $30 each way, for a total of $60? If it's charged for each way, do I pay for both when I depart? Or do I pay $30 when I leave, and $30 when I come back?

The Failure of Al Gore - would the word dufus best describe him?

To call him a dufus would be an insult to the dufus community worldwide. I think the word douchebag works better.

What would you do in this situation?

You're going to have to give more detail. The actual airports do make a difference. As well as the airlines.

Why the ice bricks made good insulation in an igloo?

Ice is a bad conductor of heat.So any heat generated inside,usually by the body doesn't escape outside.Hence they make a goosd insulation

Is a 35 min. flight connect time alright?

You should be fine. As long your first plane arrives on time, I would not expect any problems. You'll already be in the gate area (meaning, you don't have to go through security) and Denver is an easy aiport to get around: very modern and effecient. And there will be plenty of people to point you in the right direction if you get a little lost. Good luck!

How come Obama is using the War in Afghanistan to further his re-election?

Obama is selling out the troops in the field to regain points with his kook-left base. His tendencies of throwing people under the bus for political gain continues.

Hows this for a hamster habitat?

Sounds like you are off to a good start. I would be careful when using sticks from the outdoors... never can be sure what is on them. They have wooden chew toys for under $3 at petco... it's worth the money to avoid a sick hamster- much more expensive for treatment.

Hotel transfers help needed?

i am going to turkey to see some family and will be using a transfers company for the first time-but i am not sure i have filled in the information for my pick up correctly and am hoping somebody more experienced can help me.i am flying back to the uk at 1.20am on the 10th of july and on the booking form i have put for Departure date in destination 9th of july as this is the day i need to head back to the airport.but do they need the day my flight departs or the day i want to go back to the airpot?thanks

Advice on my guinea pig?

I've got a male guinea pig and he is around 2-3 years old. Lately I've noticed he hasn't been leaving his igloo much and is not eating. He's got very chubby and has a slight bit of hair loss behind his ear. Usually, he used to run when you tried to pick him up, now, he just sits motionlessly; as if he doesn't have the energy. I would appreciate some answers, asap.

What are Princess cruises like for teens?! :D 10 pts (Repost)?

I have been on 12 Princess cruises and during the summer months I would bet that they will have over 50 teens on board, but probably a lot more. July is peak time for families on Princess cruises. As far as Brits, because you are going to the mediterranean, most teens will be British with a few Americans and other nationalities also. This is such a cool cruise. You will see much of what you have only seen in books, but now you will be right there. Enjoy!

"God doesnt send people to hell, people send themselves to hell" ..really? so?

I know this may not be the answer to the question but it seems to be on the same principal. Try watching a Robin Williams movie titled "What Dreams May Come" It is NOT one of his comedy movies. It tells one version of the afterlife when a man dies in a terrible accident. Very sad but very uplifting too. Bring out the hankies.

I accidentally touched her breast?

No just leave it, I expect that she didn't notice or if she did then she probably thought it was an accident.

How fast should I expect to lose weight?

I have a 38" stomach and have started working out with alot of crunches and ab centric exercises. I exercise 30 minutes to 2 hours a day. I've stopped drinking soda, and I've been able to control my eating alittle better than in the past (some days I eat about half what I used to, others I heat 3/4's. Depends how bad cravings are). How fast should I expect to see results with this regement?

What are some cute thing your pet does, that makes you laugh?

My genie pig is a female, her name is cuchy cuchy. She's so adorable, We have pieces of wood hanging down on her cage, so she'll push her igloo house and go on top of it so she can reach the wood better and chew on it. Another thing she does, is she'll tip the cereal container over to eat it...... she's so adorable and smart. One but not least, every time I open the fridge she'll start screaming and doing her squeaky sounds so we can feed her.. but only when we open the fridge. What about your pet, tell me your story.

My dwarf hamster's personality suddenly change. Help?

I got my dwarf hamster about 3 weeks ago. The pet store says she's a Winter White but I've been doing some research and she seems to be a Campbell so I'm not completely sure which one she is. I don't know her age either because I forgot to ask the pet store when I bought her, but I believe she is under a year old. Anyway, when I first got her she wasn't very tame but turned around quickly. Within the first couple of days, she allowed me to feed her and pick her up. Eventually, she would run to her cage door and wait for me to pick her up if she heard me coming in the room. About two days ago, this changed drastically. She would run into her igloo if she heard me coming and never takes food from my hand anymore (even though it used to be her favorite). It's like she's afraid or annoyed of me. This happened within one day. Does anyone know what is wrong with my hamster? Please let me know. I am worried!!

Traveling around Italy, what is the best Train Pass to get?

My wife and I are spending our honeymoon in Italy. We plan to spend 2 weeks in Italy. We are flying into Venice (departing from there as well). We plan to visit Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, and Naples (and then trek back to Venice for our flight). What is the best train pass to get or should I not bother with one? Thanks!

How to respond to someone who says, "I'll pray for you"?

memorize a **** load of different religion's god's names, and say, "To which god?" and start listing them off.

Help!! Thailand visa!! 6 weeks...?

You have nothing to worry about if you plan well. If you are visa exempt like you say (based on your citizenship) you are visa exempt for a period of 30 days if you arrive by air and 15 days if you arrive at one of Thailand's border crossings. You can leave Thailand and come back as long as you don't stay more than 90 days in Thailand over a 6 month period. Just plan well and remember the rule about 30/15 days visa exempt status. Also as long as you have a return ticket it doesn't matter how long you stay in Asia. In most cases no one will even check that except sometimes the airlines when you first check-in..

Are Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Brian Wilson, Michael Jackson, Prince and Bruce Springsteen equal?

Yes. Their contributions to humanity in terms of sheer entertainment are all equal. They are all equally great. They sang and wrote as if their life depends on it. Elvis and Michael died early, but we are blessed the others are still alive. The first responsibility of the artist is to stay alive.

What Type of Art is this Called?

It's Surrealism art. A good way for you to come up with an idea is to think back to one of your weird dreams. Most of us have weird dreams. Depict the dream.

Why are there no films newer than 1996 added for preservation in the National Film Registry?

I mean there have been made several really culturally significant movies since then including Titanic, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, The Departed (especially that all mafia movies seem to get a place there). Why haven't they been added in the National Registry?

Pocket Gods episode 29 The Pyg Chill?

What does it mean by "Eating Lunch In?" Does is mean that you have to do something with the igloo?

FRENCH EXPLORE PROGRAM - Toronto to Chicoutimi travel questions!?

You can take VIA Rail to Montreal or Quebec City, then a bus to Chicoutimi. Orl�ans Express provides bus service between Montreal and Quebec City, and Intercar Saguenay between Quebec City and Chicoutimi.

How to sue a My Uncle and Cousin?

My Uncle and Cousin both needed electricity in there home. Neither of the two could use their names for PSE&G ( Gas n Electric Company). So they both on the phone together asked me, can I put the bill in my name. I agreed under the circumstances, they give me $50 a month, and when they depart from the residents, the bill would be left at a 0.00 balance..Both parties agreed!. They moved out and left the bill a 1,888,32... I have text messages discussing this conversation about them paying the bill but neither of the parties want to jump to it... My cousin has giving me $300 dollars on the bill which would make it 1588.32... what kind of court claim is this and how do i began the process of suing the two individuals... My mother how be ever was the witness....its her brother and nephew. I have all my facts straight just dont know how to go about the process

First Date dilemma....?

So I went a date last wednesday...met this guy off an internet dating site.....we exchanged numbers and he started calling me before we went on our date, he would text me or call a couple times a day....he sounded real cool..and im picky with the just giving out my i felt comfortable giving it to him...we hit it off with good conversation. When met up...we had talked for hours....then we were walking to the car...we held I got a feeling that he was feeling me...then we gave each two hugs before we both departed ways ..i told him to call when he got home..he did..i asked him when I was going to see hiim again, he asked the same, we agreed on this weekend.. I knew he had a lot of work to do the next day..So i took the inititive to text him the next morning, so I waited all day thursday to hear back from him., i didnt which is a lil weird cuz he always responds...I didnt hear from him until friday morning, he sd he was at work until 11pm and had to work all day friday, and I had my phone off until later that day to respond to him...and when I did I was like oh its kool, he asked what was doing I just responded and sd that I was at my cousins....and asked him what his plans were, and he didnt respond...this is friday now its saturday, i didnt hear from him alll day!!! I didnt understand...but I sd to myself he will call eventually....NOTHING.. So this morning i woke up and decide to text him....he sd that he was thinking of me...i thought to myslef well didnt you text or call me right??? I asked what he did lastnite, he said he basically rested cuz he worked alot the last two days....I sd to him i will be home and to hit me up later if you want to...he said ok. I havent heard from him!!! So my question is do I pursue for another date or is he playing games or am I reading into this way tooo much??

Help raising wild duckling?!?!?!?

HI, i found a little baby duck on the side of the road today and im gonna keep it. so my habitat for it right now is a little hamster shelter igloo thing. theres a dog dish for it to swim in. its in a big container. the bedding is hay and grass and im feeding it bits of tortilla or soggy chex cereal. its also inside where its pretty warm but im not sure if it should have like a heating lamp or something. i think its attracted to heat because it always likes to be on my hand. thanks!

Is this girl interested in being more than friends or FWB with me?

(Im in Las Vegas, NV)..Before I start just so you can an idea on the spyche of myself & the girl I am 20 years old & she is 22 years old. (Both mature for our ages). Anyways, this girl has moved in across the street from me with her parents from Washington state. She says she was with a room-mate before moving in with her parents in Vegas for a couple of months. One day she decided to come over & introduce herself because my friend was standing outside my house and saw her having car trouble and laughed at her. So she came over to say Hi. Then he told her that it was my house & she wanted to meet me. Since that day, which was about a week ago we've kinda been hangin out a lot and texting. I go to her house & we swim & tan together & stuff like that. ya know. getting to know one another. So yesterday she came over & we ended up laying in my bed talking. Eventually we started to kiss, touch eachother, & really start the foreplay. Everytime I would try to touch her "down there" she would say no in a teasing manner. After about 2 hours of kissing & touching she had to go home for a bit to help with things around the house. Well, we began talking via text and here's the convo: ME-"I already miss you lol" HER-"Lol you're too nice to me" ME-"I just don't think you've ever met someone like me. I'm nice to everyone..But you are different..special to me" HER-"I shouldn't be though" ME-"I'm sorry, I can't help how I feel. You are a very special person and I really cant believe you dont see it. I think we met for me to make you realize that :D" HER-"It's not that..I just dont think I should mean that much to you.. theres a lot you dont know about me and if i tell you you'll leave" ME-"You dont even know that, Ashley. I'm not a shallow person, I don't and will not ever judge a person ever, it's wrong. I dont know what it is you think will make me run, but I can contest and say you're wrong. I really like you and I am interested in furthering our bond. I think we get along great, I dont want you to feel obligated or forced to tell me anything, because I respect you and your boundaries, However, something I've learned was.. What hurts the most? Regret saying something you wish you hadnt? Or regret saying nothing you wish you had? One thing I'll tell you honestly is: You are a very beautiful person inside and out to ME!.. If I wasnt in anything for the long run I wouldnt have started to bond with you the way we have been." HER-" :-/ " ME-"Whats that face for?" HER-"Okay, well I stopped you earlier for a reason.." ME-"Would you rather come over and talk to me?" HER-"uhm not really cuz ill feel more stupid and embarrassed telling you in person" ME-"Please ashley. please dont feel stupid or embarassed.. you dont even know ME, or what kind of man I am.. come over??" HER-"I cant tell you to your face..I wont be able to, ill freak out.." ME-"okay text me, ill respect what you feel comfortable with. I just hope you'd tell me if you werent into talking to me anymore. :(" HER-"And depending on what you say determines whether I'll come back" HER-"Remeber when you said you're not shallow and dont mind diseases? I hope that's true :(" ME-Thats 100% true Ashley!! I realize how difficult it is to tell someone that, and I couldnt imagine what you are feeling right now. Here's one thing about me you should know: Having a disease doesn't change one thing! You are still and always will be who you are. And thats what Im into. Im into YOU, your soul, and your heart. Your the girl who I see across the street who makes me smile.. The girl who steps outside the front door and lights up the whole block in MY eyes.. Your the exact person I've been waiting to meet. I really want to continue talking to you, bonding with you and seeing you. I want you to be able to tell me anything. Im not walking the other way." HER-"Your telling me you would still sleep with me knowing I have a disease(thanks to my asshole ex) that you can possibly get.. even though im careful...but still.. ME-" So that doesn't change my mind about you Ashley. I wish I could just kiss you right now and tell you that it doesnt matter to me. I accept you for you..and all who you are." HER-"You're too nice :-/" ....END OF CONVO!.. About an hour after the end of the conversation she came over. We sat in the living room & watched a movie, then she wanted to go into my bedroom. We went in, layed on the bed and started to fool around. You know, wrestle a bit, and just being playful but in a sexy manner. Long story short we ended up having sex. Unprotected sex.. Please don't give me ****, it wont bother me at all, I know what I want.. Im NOT naive!.. After that night i kinda to

Poll: If I go to Canada on vacation, will I turn into some seal-riding eskimo?

I heard that Canada is the Ice Age and that the houses there are igloos and that the prime minister is really a beaver.

Birth Control Advice: please help?

I was playing around with my boyfriend and he ejaculated on me, between the legs. The thing is, I have been taking the birth control pills for about 3 months almost 4, but I am currently on the second day of my period. For those who know about birth control, that means I am taking the light green pills, not the light blue pills (depending on the brand, it may be different colors). Is it possible for me with these variables involved to get pregnant?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Price level of the dollar? economics question...confused by V = 1/P?

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What type of statute of limitations will be enforced if I'm sued for copyright infringement?

I downloaded a few music and video files from limewire a few years ago. If I'm sued for copyright infringement would the discovery rule or the injury rule be applied when it comes to the statute of limitations. I downloaded the files about 4 years ago. Should I be concerned that the statute of limitations won't begin until the discovery of the infringement, or am I in the clear? By the way, I live in Pennsylvania. I'm not sure how much the laws vary depending on which state you live in.

What if there were no mosquitoes?

How bad would it be for the world ecology if all mosquitoes were wiped out? Mosquitoes are flying buckets of itch, welts and disease, and I can't think of any organisms that depend on them for nutrition, or anything like that. So could we just, I dunno, get rid of them and be no worse for it?

What other things should I buy for my hamster?

That all sounds really good but I would suggest instead of Aspen bedding to go with recycled newspaper bedding as it is better for them, isn't super expensive and it easier to clean up. Also I would buy some hamster fluff and stuff it into his igloo so that he can make a comfy nest to sleep in :)

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can it work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is currently unemployed) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. He also became the guardian of his nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him? For the relationship? What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

Sudden Chinchilla Death :/?

Some pet stores don't take good care of there animals so get it from a breeder I got a rabbit from a pet store in 2 weeks it was died

How long does it take you to read a novel?

obviously it depends on how many pages in the book but generally how long does it take you to read?? I think I read about 30 pages on hour.

What is going on with my hammie?

Okay just so we are clear, my hamster is acting perfectly normal, he tail is dry, and she has bright eyes and so forth. I woke up this morning and her entire back looked wet though, I figured she had just gotten on the water bottle and when I touched her she felt dry. Anyways she came out of her igloo hours later and still looks like a wet met, her hair is messy and looks like it has been stuck together with water or something. Could she have rolled in her pee? Is there anything I can do to help her look fluffy again? What is going on?

Are the models in physics that work without the 2nd law of thermodynamics?

How do different models of physics (classical mechanics, newtonian physics, quantum physics etc) work with the 2nd law of thermodynamics? Are there models that work fine without it? Are there models that depend on it (i.e. that wouldn't make sense without the 2nd law)?

Traveling to foreign country by myself. PLEASE HELP.?

Well, I started traveling international routes like Delhi ti Dublin when I was fourteen. It is safe. You just have to follow the the announcements. Tell your mother to let travel alone.

How large do mini golden retirevers?

I don't trust any breeder who can't spell proportionate. Haha "preportionate". No. Mini Goldens are a scam.

Should I let my rabbit go?

I have a bunny who is 4 years old. She is really big but she has enough room in her cage to hop around. She has an igloo and a heat pad in her cage that we plug in when it gets cold. She lives outside too. I go out and pet her but I dont hold her because she gets hair and shes very heavy. Should I let my rabbit go?

Observational Racial Stereotypes: Believe it or Not?

All true. Except Mexican having lots of kids and black middle aged women being obese are more of a statistical fact, than a stereotype.,

Places to find clothes for 13 year old girls?

I'm pretty limited on options when it comes to clothing, because I'm kinda small. I can wear 12-16 in girls sizes. Almost always I'm a 14 but it depends on the brand. Then in juniors, I can usually wear XS and 00-1ish. but again, it all depends. Most kid clothing is too young for my taste and the juniors doesn't usually fit. Where are there places that have good clothing that isn't too expensive that comes in my size? I love Aeropastle and i know hollister and abercrombie are good for my size but they're usually way overpriced. Also i can maybe find a few things at jcpenney, kohls, and sears.

Is this a good diet for a baby guinea pig?

I just got my guinea pig yesterday, and she has been eating her food, veggies, and drinking her water. Her main food source is Timothy hay pellets, made by kaytee. I put oasis vitamin c drops in her water, which I will do until she starts eating her veggies. Today she nibbled on a red bell pepper slice, and had a few sprigs of parsley. She also nibbled on a vitamin c treat I bought her at petco(made my ecotrition) she also has some wooden chews and all the Timothy hay she can eat. Is there any particular thing she needs in her diet, or anything I need to out in her cage other than her igloo, food bowl, water bottle, hay, chews, and kabob? Thanks!!

My toothpaste burns my tongue?

it depends on the toothpaste. the really strong minty ones tend to hurt my tongue more. if the toothpaste is really minty is it SUPPOSED to burn your tongue or something. im using crest white 3d right now and it hurts like hell when i brush.

Buying a Gaming Destop?

Honestly It will be a lot cheaper if you build it yourself with parts from look at this combo. This is way better than the best buy one. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do teens get turned on by everything!?

Like girls, guys everything! Like, I dunno I'm straight but I get turned on by boys and girls. It really depends what kind of mood I'm on. But why, and why both?

Why am I still angry at my friend for going out with my ex?

Why are you angry at your friend....wasn't he a participant too? Exes are just that and are free to date anyone. Plus you moved out of town. I think pride is the issue.

Does UPS deliver on saturdays?

I ordered a replacement phone from Tmobile on either monday or tuesday, they gave me a tracking number and the number says that this morning at 1AM (saturday) the package departed from Wyoming, Michigan (in SW MI) and I live in SE MI. It's now 6 obviously and the package still hasn't arrived, nor has the tracking information been updated since it left at 1am this morning. Do you think I can still get the package today, as I don't want to wait til Monday? Thank you for your help

Why is FAITH so important in believing God can do things for you?

The bible says that if you have faith as a musterd seed you can move mountains. The Bible also says that if you ask with al your heart and have faith the LORD will give it to you if it improves you and not brings you down . Faith is very poweful .I Garrenty you if you pray to GOD with alll your heart and have faith he will grant you your requests that you have . Alson ofcourse he wants to grant them your his children!! but again i tell you have great faith!

Would not seeing my girlfriend cause any problems? How often do you guys see your girlfriends?

Ok so how often do you guys see your girlfriend? I don't see her often and its not like she lives far away shes just always busy. I see her once like her every two weeks and maybe I would see her in a week sometimes. I don't know if not seeing my girlfriend would cause a problem, or it would depend if shes ok with not seeing me as often.

Flying from Austin-bergstrom?

Yes... the airport is tiny. Baggage claim is in the same building as the terminal and you should have your stuff within about an hour of landing. Too bad you won't have more time to enjoy Austin!

More calories when you exercise?

I am 16, 5 ft 3 in tall. I weigh 104 lbs. I normally eat about 1200 calories a day. I used to eat less but I know you shouldn't. I go to the gym about 5 to 6 days a week. I burn 500 - 600 calories in cardio. Because of this, I am suppose to eat more calories right? I want to maintain my same weight, so the goal is to stay fit, not lose weight. What would be a good average amount of calories to eat when I exercise? I know it all depends on the person, but, maybe a guideline? Thank you!

We depend on the world to continue to run the same if anything where different it would disrupt the whole.?

there are many things that could really use some changing. But the problem is finding a way to make the changes one at a time without disrupting the whole system. This change has been foretold to come for a very long time through prophets and such. It must come because we can not continue in this manner for much longer. But no one seems to be able to come up with a way to resolve the issues that will result from the "waking". We must do something pretty fast and there will be big problems once we do, but we have no choice. I have seen many attempts at preparing people for this waking, but people are not getting it. There is so much trash around it that it is hard for most of us to grasp what is going on. The preparation attempts have i my eyes been a drastic failure. I have no clue how to resolve the problem and no one that knows about it is talking. You have to know that it is there before you can see it. Then the deeper you look into what you find, the brighter it is to you. Once you see it, it is hard to believe you could not see it before. But you were blinded by the world as you thought it was. it's muddy water but keep dipping into it and you will see. the blindness can be lifted. But in order to see you must first believe. That is the hard part. How to believe in something that you can not see, and that sounds like craziness. But if i am crazy it is for Christ that i am crazy. It is for the love of truth and fairness to all. This world is very hard to continue to live in once your eyes are opened to the truth and you are surrounded by the blind and considered crazy if you open your mind to any of them. i am torn in two. better for me to depart from this world but better for you that i remain for the chance that maybe i can be of assistance in the waking some day hopefully before it is too late. This job seems impossible but can only be accomplished by keeping hold of hope. but i got to tell you my hope is about gone i can not keep crossing the Jordan my time is at hand. for me it is now or never. i have grown old and tired, lost hope and faith is the edge of the cliff. what i need is for someone to lift me back up. i know your out there, listening, hoping, waiting. I am your fellow soldier and am about to fall down on the front line unless i find a shoulder to help me along the dry time. just some spirit given words. signing off

What do you think of residents of South Boston defending Whitey Bulger?

Not much of a chip on your shoulder, is there? Really defensive about your ethnicity. Whitey Bulger may have been a nasty old bastid but he was THEIR nasty old bastid.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Where did people get those robot dragons on club penguin?

You beat Herbert to get them as a prize, if you want one your pretty much screwed since Herbert attacked and I doubt he would give you the same prize, and you also get an EPF pin

The Igloo, Northern Canada a canadian natural wonder ?!?

Most Inuit hunters these days prefer a tent over an igloo any day, the igloo requires the right consistency in the snow and takes and experienced builder about an hour to make. Canadian winters in the Arctic reach -50 Celsius (-58 Farenheit)on a pretty normal occurrence and you don't want to be building an igloo in that weather. Its special because it its a art to build one. The coldest temperature in the Arctic that I saw this year was - 56 Celsius (-69 Farenheit) in Sachs Harbour, Northwest Territories. The coldest temp in the Canadian Arctic was -92 (-134 Farenheit)( with windchill)

Should i pick my rats up or leave them?

I got my rats exactly a week ago and I gave them a day to settle in until I decided to try to pick them up. I was a bit hesitant at first and still am, sometimes flinching and pulling my hand out before picking them up and i think this may have scared them. however i have managed to pick them up a few times and my family and friends have picked them up once or twice aswell. my problem is when i do pick them up they try to run away and dont seem to enjoy it very much, they also run into their little igloo whenever i sit down to watch them! i dont feel like im making any progress! should i keep picking them up or let them be?? i want them to like me and be comfortable around me but i dont want to stress them out and scare them even more!!? they dont seem to like me at all and try to get away from me all the time! please help :(

Think I need a quick abortion only 13...can I depend on the good people of Planned Parenthood?

Probably not I do believe they put a stop to planned parent Hood. Well thank God they did in Indiana!!! I am not sure bout ur state. Adoption would b my answer. U have a special gift only God can give growing inside u as we speak. God has purposes for everything and there is a reason why u have a baby inside ur body right now that's a live. And swimming all around inside his or her mommys belly. If u feel ur too young and can't deal with it that's totally understandable. But I promise someone out here would give it the best life ever cause they may not b blessed enough to be able to have that gift of giving and bringing life n 2 this world. Please. Dont abort ur child please thank about the best options u have

What would be the best way to volunteer in Japan?

I am a Japanese-American that can speak fluent Japanese. I am currently in Saitama-Ken helping out family friends with their own business. I also have plans to head south to Kochi-Ken to meet some family. Is there anyway I can volunteer if my work schedule ends July 15, even for a couple days then hop on a bullet train back to Kochi? Once I get to Kochi I plan on spending a few days before I hop on a flight back to Haneda airport, and depart Japan on July 24 back to America.

Departing neighbours leaving boundary issue problem? Any ideas?

I moved to my home about 8 yrs ago. Within 2 wks neighbours had built a wooden extension to their own property, only telling me after the event that they had encroached two inches onto my property with the concrete foundations. Didn't fuss at the time but they put in inadequate guttering and it has flooded my side path regularly. Didn't want to fall out with neighbours over trivialities but property is now sold STC and I can't get them to confirm if they let the new buyers know about the encroachment and they are not prepared to do anything about the guttering as he now claims the path always flooded. I never had the chance to know that as their build went up when I had only just moved in so I can't confirm/deny their assertion. Their move is full of the usual drama, marriage break up and family troubles which I'm sorry for but it is none of my business. What's my best course of action? The estate agent's are useless and the current owner told me this evening that he had sent in the paperwork saying that there were no outstanding issues which leaves me in a quandary. Should I be consulting a solicitor? I don't really want to start things with a new owner on a bad footing or leave it with the departing owner with bad feeling but I have put up with this water problem for years and rather resent the way it's been handled. Suggestions anyone

How can you stop cults like the Church of the Sub-Genius?

Praise "Bob", why would I want to stop the SubGenii? Everybody should take part in at least one SubGenius devival during their lifetime. As for keeping children away from these people, if there's such a thing as a born SubGenius, every one of my kids would likely qualify. Not a Pink among them.

Guinea pig doesnt come out during floor time?

i put paper towls down and a igloo for floor time but she doesnt come out of the igloo. why is this?

Why are some guys so sexist?

I was just wondering why guys think they're so much better than women? I read this one paragraph about how women are not as intelligent, strong, etc. They also think that women that object to them are "jealous" of the superior male. I have a few valid points to make. Yes, SOME men are stronger than women but women CAN be stronger then man. Sure, Man can have more intelligence if they were taught more, but then again, so can women. It depends on what schools you go to and how your brain develops. I also heard that men believe, women can not handle pain. Referring to what I believe they were talking about was *physical* pain. Women have to cope with the pain of child birth which is a very painful process. Coping with physical pain does NOT make men superior. What about *emotional* pain? Not a lot of men can deal with their emotions or "feelings". Yes, throughout history, Men have been known for the best inventions and such but just because they're good at things does not make them the superior species. If men are so much better than women, why are women on the planet? Do any men come to realize with out women their would be no race? Same for women. We ARE equals. Whether you think of it or not, men could not survive with out women and vice versa. Just because men CAN be stronger or more intelligent does not make them better. Same for women. Why do men and women have to be sexist? I can't stand it when men think women are not their equals. I have talked to a few of my guy friends who agree that women are their equals because without each other the human race would die. What about that theory of girls maturing faster then boys? I don't think that theory is true either. Maturity is on how your raised. But if theory is based on the body maturing then still no. Boys and girls develop around the same time and at their own pace.

Where should I go to catch the bus to Downtown Rochester (NY), from 1500 Brooks Ave?

Did you try the "Trip Planner" feature at the RTS website? That should answer your question pretty easily.

I cant view my furniture items in club penguin?

Club penguin won't let me open up the "this side up" box that says view items which has all my furniture for my igloo.

On average, how many ounces of ink would a tattoo artist use on TWO 2x2 chinese symbols?

im looking for an estimate, i know they are gonna be different depending on the complexion but AROUND how many ounces would they use?

I have a new law proposal. What do you think?

so you're saying that we should make laws for animals? i don't think that they could comprehend something like that... not to say that they are stupid, but most animals wont be able to understand that they have those sorts of rules. its in their nature to leave their young sometimes and it would take many many years to change something like that

How can I get over him?

i dont know how u can get over him, but i know how u can get him back!!!! invite him to ur house, when he gets there take his hand bring him to ur room, gebtle grab his crouch!! lol then say '' u want to go out with me'' if he says no then tell him to leave im pretty sure hell say yeah!! wen he says yeah, through him on the bed get on top of him make out with him then move ur hands down his chest down to his pants!! then stop!!!! that will make him think about u!!!!!!

Flying alone on southwest help?

Relax, your gate will be signposted, and there will be just one gate 10. The important thing about your boarding group and number, is to listen an check you have been called to board, as they may do it in batches of 25-30 people, so Group A 1-30, then Group A 31-60, etc...


Every region of the world has an accent. The various regions of Canada do too. The "Midwest" accent that is most common in the US is different than Western Canada which is different than Ontario or Quebec. Only your pets live in igloos ;) As to weather, the regions matter there too. We know that but good jokes are made from extremes. . .

What are the most common Linux equivalents of MS-Paint? And what file formats do they prefer?

For example, if you tell MS-Paint to save a file, it will show the .bmp or .png filetype (depending on the version of Windows), which you can choose by default, or choose a different filetype. What filetypes would the Linux equivalents of MS-Paint choose by default? And what other filetypes do they allow you to choose? Do they have .png and .bmp?

Marriage Laws in Minnesota?

My fiance is going to be leaving for basic for the Air force and we are also having a child so we would like to get married before he departs. However, we do not know the exact day of his depart so we want to get married threw the court.. my question is does anyone know how fast this process can be for us if we already have our marriage license set and ready to go for whenever he leaves?

Traveling around Italy, what is the best Train Pass to get?

My wife and I are spending our honeymoon in Italy. We plan to spend 2 weeks in Italy. We are flying into Venice (departing from there as well). We plan to visit Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, and Naples (and then trek back to Venice for our flight). What is the best train pass to get or should I not bother with one? Thanks!

Friday, July 15, 2011

I dont know how I should feel or what I should do PLEASE HELP?!!!!?

(LONG BUT COPE WITH ME) My grandma had been sick 4 sometime. Dr finally found out wat was wrong & had back surgery. My oldest aunt is the one who always took my grandma to the dr appointments. since I am currently unemployed (by choice). I have decided to go along with them to dr appointments. I was once a translator for drs & patients for after hr services. my aunt thought it would be a good idea if i started to come to all the appt. i didnt mind i like helping my grandma & anyone who needs translating. by the time of my gmas surgery they needed someone who spoke english&knew my gmas med hitory. all my aunts & uncles & my grandpa dont speak english. and my grandma is 82 & illiterate. so i said i can go in with her. i was with her for about 3 hrs translating, signing papers and explaining things to my gma. was with her in preop room.saw her go in the operating room. surgeon called me on cell to let me know how everything went when surgery was over etc. ive been following up with the drs. i am practically the only person who knows dr names and her rx info. there were some complications in my gmas surgery & in order to save her life they had to put in a IVC filter. i explained to my gma and she said its fine sweety sign...i did. everything was a success! I noticed my uncle the youngest of my gmas children started acting distant & stopped talking to me. today he came to my house being quiet and ok... then out of nowhere... he starts telling my aunt and my mom that they should have someone responsible making decisions for their mother! my mom got mad since im her daughter & was like no one is making decisions for mom she is. he said no! one of you guys should be taking care of her.... not someone who is going to change their mind and not be responsible. i said your talking about me and i dont make decisions for my grandma i explain things to her she decides 4 herself... he was like no you make decisions for her. tell her what she needs and what she has to do. it got heated up he started calling names & pointing fingers.i honestly only tell my grandma what the doctors tell her to do... which is to walk & not be laying down all the time because she needs the exercise.i tell her to eat because she doesn't really eat. i tell her to wear her back brace. etc. my gma doesnt want to she says shes too weak still ITS BEEN OVER A MONTH... she refuses to do any exercises complains about pains & doesnt want to leave the house without her wheelchair. BUT she tells my uncles & doctors she feels no pain at all that shes fine now & exercises & lies pretty much. i tell her doctors what she tells me.dr said its common her old age scared of getting sent back to hospital but they have ordered transportation for her so she doesnt get up from wheel chair when going to dr appts & i dont drive so its easier for me to go w/her & not depend on anyone giving us a ride. he volunteered (my uncle)to help her & encourage her to walk by coming over every day. something he hasnt done i told him he can but that the physical therapist was going to start coming soon bcus thats something the surgeon ordered in home physical therapy. ANYWAY he offended me said i am not responsible too young (23) and that i change my mind a lot about things &that im really a nobody to be taking care of his mother or making decisions for her. and that one of my grandmas daughters should be doing all of what i am doing instead of me. because im not reliable & he doesnt trust me. he yelled said bad words. called my aunt & mom names. i told him that i only tell the drs what she says but he wouldnt listen he said he would perfer my grandma to be at my other cousins house. & we all know that cousin doesnt want my gma at her house but he doesnt understand that. my mom told him that if he doesnt like me doing everything i do why doesnt he take care of her. he said he cant and blah blah it all lasted 2 hours of yelling,, screaming. & my gma defended him said we shouldnt upset her son he gets mad quick that we attacked him. he said he was never coming over to any of our houses anymore... it was crazy! my question is if he comes over... how should i act? what should i tell him? he has done other ****** up things to me & talked **** about me & my dad and mom before. but this! i mean come on!!! should i never speak to him again? should i be ok & not take it personal he is her son..wouldn't anyone else be kind of thankful im doing all of this? even my gmas social worker said shes surprised no one else knows anything about my grandma & that she likes dealing with me. I feel sad...angry...disappointed and offended. what would you guys do in my shoes? i feel so unwanted by him and kind of by some of my other aunts& cousins because im closest to my gma. he thinks im not responsible because he has seen me get drunk in the past and i like to go on long weekends... but i swear even on long weekends i call her drs. even the bf thinks i worry to much...HELP ME sorry it was very

My two guinea pigs keep fighting...?

Ok so I have two guinea pigs names Bella and Skittles. And they keep fighting, and I dont know why. I have this little plastic igloo for them to hide in, and Bella keep pushing Skittles out. What do I do?? If you think you know why they're fighting, then I will vote you the best answer and give you points :) :) Thanks!

If I visit Canada on vacation, will I turn into a wood-chewing beaver ?

My parents want to visit there. I heard there's only igloos and the people wear animals skinand the prime minister is really a beaver dressed as a person. Eh?

Can a mouse be housed in a critter keeper and am i careing for him properly so far?

ok so i have a ball python and i buy 2 live mice every two weeks and one got out of the cardboard box that pet smart or co gives u to transport the animal anyway so he got out and ran around my moms house (im 11 so i cant spend a ton of money i looked up every thing he will need and the total was like 85 bucks) but i found him with peanut butter (put some on a paper plate and ur set) ive had hamsters fancy mice g-pigs (have one now) and rats also rabbits im a junior herp and own dogs horses g-pig leopard geckos bp and a bird but now i have a little mouse he is pure white so he is an albino if im not mistaking and ive grown really attached so please dont say oh just feed him to ur snake or dogs i named him tike or tot if u want u can suggest which u like better so i got a critter keeper used to hold my crickets a small animal igloo a water bowl and food bowl i gave him some special k and gerbil and hamster food once i earn enough money (my mom told me after getting my bp no more pets but i begged she said ok u buy everything but she said shed spend 10 bucks, my horses r over 1200 a month so i dont blame her would u???) i will go out and buy a mouse or rat cage toys food i have yogurt treats for my g-pig and all the other nessicaries but i did gender him and its a male he seems pretty happy he spends most of his day burrowing which is normal bcuz their nocturnal but do i need to do anything different its been a while since i had any of my mice since i got horses and a guinea pig i left them out and didnt have time to play with them much but i have time now please tell me if any thing needs to b done different and if i need to do anything more thx have a nice day and godbless

My 4 week old puppy looks weak and wont drink it's mothers milk, what's wrong with her?

She looks very week and when I try to make herdrink the mother's milk she won't drink it. my dog had 3 puppies and this one is sort of the runt of the litter. The other two puppies look fine and this one looks weak. and while the other two puppies try to play with this one, she just let's them jump all over her while she just sits there and does nothing. She feels very boney too, where my whole hand can wrap around her waist. She also acts unnormal. she sleeps on the concrete instead of her igloo where the rest of the puppies are, and when I try to put her back in, she goes out and sleeps on the concrete again. I noticed that she likes to be alone in a little corner and she tries to hide. She also cries every night and I don't know why. What do you think is wrong with her?

Paper as mouse bedding? Is that okay?

My mice stink so bad and cleaning the cages takes so much time that I neglected to do it for a few weeks, only scooping out some bedding and putting in a little new every few days. Well I felt bad so I cleaned the cages extra good and put plain paper on the bottom, only bedding in the little igloos. Is that fine? It's so much easier to clean up.

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can it work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is currently unemployed) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. He also became the guardian of his nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him? For the relationship? What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

What is the relationship between a igloo and a ferret?

The relationship of igloos and ferrets were first observed by the Aztecs. If you want to read more read a book about Aztec history.

Is being a loner a bad life choice?

I have been fortunate to have had greatest friends anyone can ask for and being surrounded by people who care about me all my life,same goes for my love life too,but for some reason i always had this urge to not to get too close to anyone or emotionally depend on someone .I believe in helping people when in need and just moving on with my life not craving for any attachments.

Hedgehog Pregnant? Maybe in Labor? Help Please?

It's the asker. She's okay. We took her and the vet gave her a shot that will induce labor if she is pregnant and ward off any infection. He couldn't tell if she was pregnant because she refused to unroll for him completely.

Is this an interesting plot for a pycholgical horror game? (silent hill fangame with orginal characters)?

The game begins with Colin Grey running from the cops and he ends up in the town of Silent Hill, why is he there? He is a serial killer, but he believes that he killed them for the right reasons. Well, his friend (other persoanilty) convinced him that he killed for the right reasons. Each of the characters in the game (but 2) were killed by Colin, but when he killed them, they looked like monsters. Each of the characters are a boss fight too (but 1). The ending depends on your ending (multible)The game begins with Colin Grey running from the cops and he ends up in the town of Silent Hill, why is he there? He is a serial killer, but he believes that he killed them for the right reasons. Well, his friend (other persoanilty) convinced him that he killed for the right reasons. Each of the characters in the game (but 2) were killed by Colin, but when he killed them, they looked like monsters. Each of the characters are a boss fight too (but 1). The ending depends on your ending (multible)

Help me! Please help, I picked up my hamster unaware that she just had babies, will she kill them now?

Once they stop feeding from her, I think you are supposed to separate them. Call the pet shop, I don't want to be giving you false info, and most people aren't reliable on Yahoo answers

What would you do in this situation?

ALWAYS carry your luggage on with you and put it in the overhead. Otherwise, you're begging for loss. God bless everyone!

I think my Guinea Pig may be sick?

Your guinea pig is very ill and needs to see a vet asap. Get on th e phone and find out who is open today all the vets have one that covers for the weekend, it just means you may have to drive to a different city in your general area.I think your mom is right and when a guinea pig is that ill they must get on antibiotics at once or they will die.Guinea pigs are prey animals and will hide the fact they are ill until it gets to the acute stage, it is easy to miss the early onset signs of illness, however, once you see they are ill you MUST get them to an exotic vet asap.

What would be the best way to volunteer in Japan?

I am a Japanese-American that can speak fluent Japanese. I am currently in Saitama-Ken helping out family friends with their own business. I also have plans to head south to Kochi-Ken to meet some family. Is there anyway I can volunteer if my work schedule ends July 15, even for a couple days then hop on a bullet train back to Kochi? Once I get to Kochi I plan on spending a few days before I hop on a flight back to Haneda airport, and depart Japan on July 24 back to America.

What does this dream mean?

Ok so I have this dream every once in a while that this huge ginormormous ship or demon thing is departing to like cause an apocalypse, and like brutally kill me. But when I wake up everything was like a blur... I am still unsure of what was happening but that's what it felt like in the dream. And lol you probably think I'm totally crazy now. But I'm actually pretty normal.. :) sooo yeah I just don't get that dream.

Where do I board the greyhound bus at Washington DC?

Ok, so I bought a ticket and it says my bus will be departing from "Washington Union S (e)", which I assume is Union Station. Does anyone know where exactly I have to get onto the greyhound bus in Washington DC? The greyhound site is not specific and they aren't answering at their call centers...

I dont think my guinea pigs get along? ?

Both of my Guinea pigs are relatively new, we got Steve about 3-4 weeks ago and he's really fat and lazy, just sits around but likes to be held, but we got a new Guinea pig for him to have a friend. He's a lot smaller than him and Steve pushes him around sometimes and most of the time wont let him in his igloo so the new one just sleeps under the hay wheel all the time. Most of the time they seem to be ok but Steve is always in his house and the other one is always outside they don't really seem to be communicating? Is everything ok? Also, is it bad that the new Guy is sleeping outside, not in a house/ igloo? By the way they are both guys

Will social security be affected if a deal is not reach on the debt ceiling?

I am kind of worried for my grandma. She lives alone in a low rent elder care facility and relies on social security ever since my grandpa passed away. I also have a disabled friend who relies on social security. I keep hearing on the news that if a deal isn't reached, payments may stop. I am kind of worried for them now since they and millions of others depend on the small assistance they get. But, I can't seem to find a definitive answer that I could reassure them that they need not worry or that their worries are justified.

Is this okay for my mini-lop?

I dont usually agree with keeping rabbits out side for this reason D; they have fur coats so they get hot easily! Also, whn it's hot there are more flies- increasing the chance of flystrike. so I would seriously recommend letting her inside when it's a hot day and putting a bottle filled with cold water next to her so she can lie next to it to chill :) xxx

Teens more fun depending on school?

I feel like I am grouped in the other school's category... but I used to be in your shoes. It's really easy to have fun without smoking, drugs, etc. It kinda has to do with acting younger than you are... laughing at things that are remotely funny and just having a fun time... letting loose! :) I'm not sure how that sounds normal........but it is for me. My family is pretty much broke and I go to a school with a bunch of rich kids so I still feel left out sometimes, but I just make the best of what I've got.

How can i make some great plot twists in my fantasy story?

I'm now wiriting my fantasy story and i was struggling on how to add some plot twists to it. Like for example, i had one of my main characters depart from my protagonist's group in order to search for the leader of the Hakeron Clan( in case my story is going to be a sequel) and the protagonist and his group are on their own, but however i tried to add some mystery to the character's departure, but i've keep messing up. Please give me some examples of how to make plot twists.

My guinez pig barely drinking water?

i would take her to the vets. when my piggy was ill and wasn't drinking we fed him water through a syringe to keep him hydrated... you could give that a go... but if you are very worried about her i would reccomend taking her to the vets

I think I should start up a buisness? What do you think?

Well since I live in Canada it could be for people who want to see what it's like, like a Canadian getaway! You will live in an igloo, eat pancakes with maple syrup for every meal and ride your polar bear or dog sled everywhere!! I think it would be a great vacation idea :) what do you guys think? Would you come to my Canadian getaway resort?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is my guinea pig living a healthy life?

So I have one male guinea pig. I feed him a small hand full of pellets and another hand full of timothy hay plus i normally give him 2 baby carrots and 1 slice of cucumber each day. I always have water for him. I hold him at least once a day and let him roam around my room about 3 times a week. Do you think i give him enough food or is it to much? Also he has like a little log thing that he chews on sometimes but he is always chewing on his little plastic igloo. Is that okay or can he possibly get sick from chewing on it? If so how do I stop him?

Why does my guinea pig sit on top of his igloo (house)???? ?

it just started a few days ago. every time i check on him he is either eating, drinking, or on top of his house thing. i kno he can fit in it, i watch him sleep in it b4 i go to sleep also. i dont understand. i got him a friend but they fought and i kno why tht happened. i just dont understand why he is always on his house. can anyone help?

Will my hamster start to hate me because I can’t give him the constant attention he wants?

The hamster I got today, I feel like he’s either board or hyperactive. I don’t know. I genuinely feel bad leaving him in his cage because he’s constantly trying to climb out of the side like he wants attention! I have given it to him today but times when I don’t want to hold him (like now, I’m eating a sandwich.... I don’t!). He has a toilet paper role in his cage, a pink little igloo thing, food, water, this like hamburger hamster chew toy and a piece of strawberry I gave him. His cage is an aquarium. I mean, is it okay to ignore him like this or will he feel neglected? He wants constant attention. He’s a friendly little hamster but constant attention is unrealistic, will he get board and hate me?! D :

Melbourne horse and carriage, still run?

Good info in this thread people, but i also have a question regarding the horse and carriages in melbourne cbd. Do they run all night?

I accidentally touched her breast?

If you ever see her again then apologise to her in case she felt offended but explain that it was an honest misunderstanding and you didn't mean to touch her breast, it just happened accidentally and afterwards you felt quite embarrassed hence why you left. But don't think too much into it, because stuff like that happens all the time and it's really nothing to worry about. :)

How to grow taller? I want to be get at least 10cm?

I saw this ad for penis pills that say you will grow at least 2 inches, so I guess if you take double the dosage you will get your 10 cm.

English question natvie speakers help?

There's no verb.or subject. It's a fragment of quantification only. He demonstrated how to do it depends on circumstances encountered at the time of application. How to do it depends on circumstances which may be beyond our control. Being highly sensitive to many variables, how to do it depends on circumstances

Its scary, but when you catch people in their daily routine and ask what's awesome about Heaven, they rarely?

mention God. They talk about departed loved ones, no sickness, no dying, ---all self seeking things, Why is it they rarely mention being in God's loving presence, or seeing God face to face?

Alll about my guinea pig?

Usually it's better to leave them alone to adjust for a few days, to get used to their surroundings. However, if they have a box or house in the cage, they can just disappear into it whenever you come and NEVER get used to you, either. Therefore I suggest that you leave him be at first, but don't put any houses into his cage as of now. DO, however, give opportunities for shelter like overhanging hay or maybe a hammock, just not something that he can completely disappear into.

Dropped out, What now?

I dropped out about two years ago mostly because I was put in a lower educational level class because I skipped school quite often, So because I skipped school they determined I had retard level education. I don't want to go back to high school i highly doubt they would let me if i asked, So what do i do now? I could try to get a GED but what does a GED really do. Is a GED as good a HS Diploma? If not then how would i go about earning my HS Diploma without actually going back to high school. I assume this all depends on my location. Well i live in Ontario, Canada. Any information is appreciated. Thank you.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place?

I'm 16 and I'm trying to get a job for the summer so I can pay for gas in my car because my parents can't pay for it forever. However, my mom is going to college right now and she doesn't have time to do anything around the house so she depends on me to do it and if I get a job then I can't do the stuff around the house. My parents pay for my insurance too so that's sort of like my allowance so i don't get money at all. I'm in a few things at school that continue through the summer so a part time is my only option and it takes up the rest of my time. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!?

What does "Origin Post Preparing Shipment" mean?

It's been stuck in that status on USPS tracking for THREE days now. The tracking on Hong Kong post says my items departed Hong Kong on the 19th. USPS still says "Origin Post preparing shipment". I called customs at JFK and they said they have it, but USPS says it hasnt left HK, I'm really confused and I need an answer. Does customs have it? And if so, why is it taking so long to be released?


I have a deer mouse as a pet in my garage. I hadn't seen her walking around the cage in a long time so I thought she was dead. Turns out she had babies. When I lifted up the log, she ran and scattered the babies around the tank from her. Now she won't go back to the babies. I tried making her cage as open as possible and putting the nest in a little rodent igloo. Tell me if that would work. I have experience with the House Mouse but not AT ALL the Deer Mice (except for like 3 adults that I kept last year)

Why are all the lying, evil spirits from god?

You have to look at the context of all these verses that you found. Also, God created everything and He can do what he wants to show or teach people.

How to tell parents I'm moving in with my boyfriend?

EASY! just tell them straight up. "mom, dad, how would you feel if i move in with my bf?" or "mom, dad, im going to move in with my boyfriend."

Can you visit Mexican Border towns without Passport? Read Details Please!?

My mother swears she does it several times a year with nothing but a license and a birth certificate. Perhaps it depends on the town? By the way, this is driving from Texas Across the border. According to everything I read on the net, you need a passport. Have you ever gotten in without one?

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can our relationship work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is currently unemployed) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. He also became the guardian of his nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him (being more wary of who he dates)? For the relationship? What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

Why does my guinea pig wheek when I enter the room?

Why does my guinea pig wheek when I enter the room? She's only been doing this for the past few days. She doesn't come out, she just sits in her igloo and wheeks at me. I talk to her, and she calms down a little..I don't think she's scared of me. Its weird, when she has her igloo, no matter what, she's going to stay in there. But when I take it out, she loves me..?

Would you recommend the hamster playground?

About the yogurt drops; be aware that Dwarf hamsters are prone to diabetes and lots of sugary fruits and store bought treats isn't healthy for them.

Should i have my rat put to sleep or see if he gets better on the medication?

If he's still eating right now and not getting any worse, leave him be. I recently lost one of my girls last Saturday. She was two years old and got sick again, but this time she stopped eating (I tried getting her to eat and had her on meds and everything) and would either sleep or stay hunched over. She gave up on life after two weeks. :( If your little guy stops eating, take some action immediately. Try giving him some normally off-limits food that has a high fat content to bulk him up. :)

Atheists: AllahSWT knew you were going to deny the Qur'an and call them "fairy tales"?

If I made up a bunch of crap & told everybody about it - How hard do you think it'd be for me to be able to predict that people were going to ridicule it?


Ok so I have been playing Club Penguin, and was visiting some igloos. When I was visiting them there were many igloos with two floors. On those floors I realized that the upper floor was dance and the lower floor was carpet. How do I make my igloo look like that? If you don't know what I'm saying visit this link: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a .If you visited the link you saw that there was part blue carpet, and part green carpet. How do I do that?

True or false: everyone from canada is a polar bear eating hippie that lives in a igloo?

dude, come to my igloo. we'll smoke some blunts, and then my polar bear jeremy will transport us from the chesterfield to the local beer store. we'll pick up a few mickeys then jeremey will take us to the canadiens vs leafs game. it'll be sooo sick. wear tye dye.

Got a buy 2 get 1 free deal at a local game store, wondering what should i buy?

gonna spen 20 bucks or less so wat should i get may go higher it all depends, ill take any suggestions, heres the games i already played or got....Battlefield BC2, Alien VS. Predator, fable 3, rockband 1 and 3, call of duty modern warfare 2 and black ops, gta iv with expansions, borderlands, red dead redemtion, medal of honor, bioshock, halo wars halo 3 and odst, halo reach, looking for xbox 360 games,

Do you think this is a bad idea??????????? HELP!?

OK. i took my summer quarter final exam a week ago. I don't think I did well. Professor told the class that he will have the grades in by the end of this week. He says he is going to grade on curve so if the entire class did bad, it's going to help us. I think I did not too terribly but there's chance that depending on other students, that I might have a terribel grade, D or F. because I'm not sure how I did... So... should I go talk to the professor tomorrow before he turns in the grades and ask him for advice how I can improve on the future test? (I'm currently taking his 2nd course too). and get some advice on studying tips and ask him how I did on the final? Or do you think this will look shady, he will see me as opportunistic kid because I never talked to him privately or after class before... Pleae let me know!! Thanks!!

I have 7 planets or houses in/on 29th degree. What does this mean?

It means you have quite the Sun/Venus/Mars conjunction in Leo trining Jupiter in Aries. I wouldn't read any specific meaning into the degree placement, though others may.

AP sources: Pakistan tipped off militants at bomb-making site again; How gullible can we be? (To trust them)?

We need to stop giving them 3 billion a year. They are a state sponsor of terrorism harboring more terrorists than the Taliban ever did in Afghanistan.

How do Canadians get wi-fi from their igloos?

Duh, we take the poutine from our touques,rub the maple syrup on our pet polar bears butt, use the poutine to lure lumberjacks, the pissed of bear eats the lumberjacks, we then use their saws to build ice towers enabling better Wi-Fi. If there some other way to do it,please help as my igloo and ice tower are melting....

I just got a second guinea pig and I'm curious as to this behavior?

This is all very normal guinea pig talk for who is going to be boss of this cage, they understand it well. They are actually getting along quite well. What you will have to watch closely though is the food sharing, you should put in two bowls and watch very closely to make sure the new guy gets his fair amount of veggies as that is another sign of dominance.Actually that is the biggest problems i have had with two to the point i had to separate Miya and Suzzi as Miya just did not allow Suzzi to eat enough and she actually lost weight,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My guinea pig keeps knocking over his igloo. does he not like it? should i take it out?

my guinea pig does that when he has too much energy, maybe you should take him out and play with him for 10 minutes next time he does it, get some energy out of him. I put my guinea pig outback in the grass ( and closely watch him of course) to stretch his legs, get some fresh air, and eat some grass. Hope this helps=]

Any good autobiographies out now that a worth a read?

These two autobiographies are fictional, but worth considering...Blades and Dangerous Days, both by J. William Turner. Very realistic fiction about Australian teens in several tense, dramatic, life and death situations set in many parts of Australia, plus California and England, and dealing with teenage, adult and social themes. More info in Yahoo web search

Use dimensional analysis to show how the speed of a wave....?

...on a string of circular cross section depends on the tension in the sting, T, the radius of the string, R, and its mass per volume, p.

Tomorrow my flight depart from bangkok time is 1310 so this time is follow Malaysia time or Bangkok time?

+7h00 GMT for Thailand... Just simply minus of an hour from your kampong time... Use you peanut a little...

Opinions and Advice on this issue. *10 Pts*?

sometimes guys are hard to talk to about certain things...and i think that this is probably one of those things. the only thing i can really suggest is sitting him down and telling him exactly how you feel...but try telling him in a way where it involves him more than it does you. tell him that you don't think that it's right that this chick is living in a house that he bought and using cars that he bought and even spending his money! especially since they aren't even together anymore. ask him why it doesn't bother him that she does this. maybe explain that if he had his stuff back that maybe you guys could start a life together and move into the house and have money to live off of so it's not so hard supporting yourself and him. i know i would be very upset. i know i didn't really have too much to say but i do hope that when you talk to him, it goes well. good luck hun :)

My bunnies pregnant ! help?

Don't touch the nesting box, all you'll do is stress the mother out, and too much stress isn't good she may abandon her babies (worse case scenario). Mother rabbits, unlike a lot of mammals, don't spend a lot of time with their babies and feed them about twice a day. So if you don't see the mom with the babies all that much, that is normal, it doesn't mean she isn't taking care of them. Wait until about two week until touching the babies, if you do handle them just hang on to them (by the cage) pet them and put them back; don't go walking around with them. About two days or less before the birth she will pull some fur out and make a nest by gathering materials. At this time I'd put some straw/hay in there. If the litter doesn't make it its not your fault, sometimes they are just not suppose to make it. Before and after the delivery make sure she has constant supply to food and water, and the babies should be fine. At eight weeks they can be weaned and at about 4-5 months they can start reproducing, so separate them. Any thing else you can always email.

My guinea pig is stomping his feet!?

One of my 3 guinea pigs keeps coming it of the igloo and sniffing around for about a minute then he will go back in the igloo and start stomping his feet around. Why is he doing this

Do you agree with this statement by Obama?

Ummmmm Is this all one quote by Obama? what part of this is Obama's statement and which part is yours.

Getting wrist tatoo, help?

well it does depends on your pain tolerance. if you cant take pain it will hurt more then if you can. and there is one spot on the wrist that hurts like a *****. i say bring music to sooth you as you get it and relax.

I have multiple questions about my diet and the problems i've been having..(Please help)?

Okay so, for a long time now, i've been dieting and exercising along with it obviously. Btw im a 14 year old girl, and my height is 5'6... weight, ill get into that later..(you'll see). So now for my exercise, i recently started running the mile... i was starting with once a week, then i eventually started running it almost everyday(trying) with the weather being crappy, rain etc. , also my brother, was taking me to the high school track where i live and that kind of stopped between him working, not having time, and being busy most of the time. So that stopped so i started instead walking down to my school which is literally a 6 minute walk away and running around the field 4 times or either the school(got sick of the field so just recently started running the school) which is a mile cause i did in gym class. I think this whole week, ever since monday, i've ran it everyday. i don't even know how to tell you my weigh and if its water or fat, it sucks! im either 157, 162,163,164,or 165. i was 163 last night, started out with 162 this morning, and now im 165! Ever since february, my doctor's appointment, i was 168, and i haven't seen that weight in a while so i think ive lost that.. i was told that i was not fat, but basically overweight for my age. I started cutting back little by little at that time, and it was hard for me so i stopped,(which i REALLY wish i didn't have) and started eating again, however somehow maintaining that weight(i forget howw) then it got easier in march, i figured out more ways, obviously april, and may... and i forget when but like i said i started running the mile little by little and now. So, my question is losing weight.. like more than 10.. but i actually think i know why this hasn't been going well is because the main reason, my dieting. It's been HORRIBLE and sooo hard for me. Between these awful cravings(my mom thinks im a sugar addict) and not being able to control it whatso ever. and the fact that i haven't been losing any weight, as much as i want to in this amount of time that im starting to give up then start up back again which is taking me incredibly soooo much amount of time than what i want it to. the beginning of today was going good for me, i was thinking about running the mile twice, but im soo tired and i just recently got a pain on the top of my leg, bottom, and it feels like a bruise and hurts running... there always has to be some freaking problem making it even HAAARDER for me! ugh! sorry.. the end of today though, not so good. i skipped dinner, thinking i would lose more, but it ended up backfiring me from being sooo hungry for the rest of the night. i did eat watermelon and a banana for dinner. but so farr ive aten 2 yogurts, two ice cream sandwhiches, ice cream, chips, i think maybe even a little bit more but yeah.... :( then i got really mad and started doing pushups and everything. i weighted myself, i was back at 165 and i totally gave up and started eating more but now, its stopped as i speak. My plan was to lose like all the extra fat off of me, so i could be skinny or thin again like 15-20 pounds before atleast summer, then it extended to 4th of july so i could be able to enjoy the food and wear nice clothing and look good and feel confident but now, 4th of july is just around the corner(3 days) and i have a party im attending and its not going to go well unless you could just magically lose 20 pounds in 3 days... maybe even just 10.... also, forget to mention, but my mom did say she has noticed a bloatyness i had on my face off and i look a bit less bloaty kind of that small layer of fat off if you know what i mean.... i dont get how that can happen when i was 168, 3 pounds more(well, depends if im still 165, never know with me i could go back down or whatever ugh) but that i dont get.. soooo.... PLEASE HELP ME!!! im legit so upset i could cry, and angry at myself, i wish i could just keep on running right now and do every exercise there is. so please help and i hope you understood me well. thanks~