Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Some Questions About Fancy Mice...?

Okay. So I would really like to get some fancy mice, 2 actually (female, I know about males) I really would like to get a glass 1O gallon aquarium because that seems the cheapest and I have heard of people doing it, so would that be okay? I would obviously get the water bottle, a 'Pet Igloo' and all that stuff. Would I have enough room? Also, my bday is November 16, but this could be my early bday present. How do I convince my dad? I REALLY want this, and it could be my early bday present. He is kinda easy going, and I would show all the qualities about it and all. But should I get a cage? I heard that the wheels that come with them are squeaky, and even if they do not come with a wheel, they are expensive, around 35 dollars, when a 1O gallon is 14 dollars... so any info and all that? :) PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE do NOT say that I should get rats. FIRST, its more expensive. SECOND, I have had rats, and I LOVE them, but I would really REALLY wanna try mice. So PLEASE do not mention them, because the topic is about mice! Thanks guys!! :D

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