Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is there something wrong with my new syrian hamster or is he ill?

So the last time I asked a question about my new Syrian hamster was because he has been sleeping and basically living in a tiny ball compartment at the end of some tubes i bought to add on to his cage. His cage is huge, its got an Igloo bed, a wheel, all his food and water, a mineral stone to chew on and a cardboard maze,but he just isn't interested. He is always in this little ball compartment whether hes sleeping or just sat wide awake. I'm not concerned that he's not eating because the food in the food bowl does go down everyday which is good and although i haven't seen him drink from his bottle that seems to be less full too. But because he's new and i have only handled him while in the shop and when bringing him home and putting him in the cage i don't want to stress him out or disturb him so I've left him to come out in his own time but that's the problem he just wont come out. I put bedding in a tube for him and he dragged this down to the compartment and used some of it for a bed, then kicked it all out in to the tube and also kicked out all the wood shavings so he was sleeping on bare plastic which i thought was strange, but he seems to have kept some bedding and put the wood shavings back for his bed but he has blocked the tube, whenever i remove the bedding from the tube he blocks it up again. Also the compartment is really small with air holes, but its really steamy which I'm thinking is either down to a lot of wee, or condensation or both! I've had him for 4 days now and i haven't touched the little compartment because i know this is where he feels safe and i don't want to scare him but it looks really damp and wet and the food is days old. I don't know what to do because i don't want to scare him but I'm scared that because this little bed is so full off wee, poo, steamy and damp I've read hamsters can get wet tail from sleeping in damp and not clean conditions. Please help on what to do im really worried and plus i want to start handling him but i can't!

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