Thursday, July 14, 2011

Will my hamster start to hate me because I can’t give him the constant attention he wants?

The hamster I got today, I feel like he’s either board or hyperactive. I don’t know. I genuinely feel bad leaving him in his cage because he’s constantly trying to climb out of the side like he wants attention! I have given it to him today but times when I don’t want to hold him (like now, I’m eating a sandwich.... I don’t!). He has a toilet paper role in his cage, a pink little igloo thing, food, water, this like hamburger hamster chew toy and a piece of strawberry I gave him. His cage is an aquarium. I mean, is it okay to ignore him like this or will he feel neglected? He wants constant attention. He’s a friendly little hamster but constant attention is unrealistic, will he get board and hate me?! D :

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