Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What are some homemade toys I can give my rabbit?

My rabbit never plays and i want to incourage him to play more. He is a lionlop and he is about 6 months old and he is as fearful as well... a rabbit. I'm hoping that if I find a favorite toy he will become more outgoing. in the future i want to get another rabbit, but that is a ways away from now. He likes those treat chews that you can buy but sometimes he gets tired of them. He lives in a decent sized hutch and I let him out to play for a while when it's nice. IN his cage he has a cardboard box filled with paper shreds which i've never seen him in, his litterbox, food bowl, water bowl, an oatmeal container with a cup of food in it(his favorite out of all of them), a wood toy for chewing, and an igloo turned upide down to put hay in it because he is too big for it. I have tried toilet paper tubes, PVC pipe, everything i can think of. Does anyone have any ideas that's a surefire way to make him more... friendly?

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