Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I need HELP! I'm dealing with a shy guy: Is he flirting with me or not?

OMG its 2AM here in my country and i read all that. okay, first of all... i need to tell others to help spread this message which is a prob that ppl always make. PLEASE DONT ANSWER "your question is too long i cant read it" or " try to shorten your question". IF the question is too long, then why bother answering it with nonsense? and answersyahoo made it this way. the max letters is 5000. so dont complain. okay good. Hmm, for me, i think if i did that, i would most like be shy. or he finds that your beautiful and wants to date you but dont dare to do it. and is taking 1 step at a time. maybe he is just a pervert that toys with girls. maybe he read some info on the web and it recommended him to play the hard-to-get type. and maybe he had been always shy, and thinks your fated to be with him as he is also the shy type? or maybe he is doing that to spite his Girlfriend who is also in the shop. (Nahh... unless, your colleuge is the GF he is trying to spite, if not, then no).

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