Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My bunnies pregnant ! help?

Don't touch the nesting box, all you'll do is stress the mother out, and too much stress isn't good she may abandon her babies (worse case scenario). Mother rabbits, unlike a lot of mammals, don't spend a lot of time with their babies and feed them about twice a day. So if you don't see the mom with the babies all that much, that is normal, it doesn't mean she isn't taking care of them. Wait until about two week until touching the babies, if you do handle them just hang on to them (by the cage) pet them and put them back; don't go walking around with them. About two days or less before the birth she will pull some fur out and make a nest by gathering materials. At this time I'd put some straw/hay in there. If the litter doesn't make it its not your fault, sometimes they are just not suppose to make it. Before and after the delivery make sure she has constant supply to food and water, and the babies should be fine. At eight weeks they can be weaned and at about 4-5 months they can start reproducing, so separate them. Any thing else you can always email.

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