Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My guinea pig wont let my touch a single hair on her?

ok so i have 2 guinea pigs for about 3 weeks 1 is total fine with my picking her up and petting her but my other one is 2 weeks older they don't fight at all but she wont let me touch her at all....AT ALL and i've tryed everything trying to hand feed her, and the towel trick too etc i have literally tryed everything she doesn't want anything on her too unless she purposely goes into like a mass of fleece scraps (c&c cage) and when she does eat from my hand when i try and pet her she RUNS into her igloo and when ever i walk by she RUNSS into her igloo and i want to tame her too but she wont let me touch her i cant even get her out of the cage to clean it she all healthy and she is the domenit one she also kinda of a bully she will just walk on my lil guinea pig and she wheeks ALOT when the bigger one is crawling on her ( the lil one is 12 weeks and the one that wont let me touch her is 14 weeks) and they've beed housed together for pretty much there whole life please someone help!!!!!!!!!!!

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